Sample Question for English (Part 3)

Sample Question for logical reasoning


The words invention and Innovation are closely linked, but they are not interchangeable. The inventor is a genius who uses his intellect, imagination, time and resources to create something that does not exist. But this invention may or may not be of utility to the masses. It is the enterprising innovator who uses various resources, skills and time to make the invention available for use. The innovator might use the invention as it is, modify it or even blend two or more inventions to make one marketable product. A great example is that of the iPhone which is a combination of various inventions.
If an invention is the result of countless trials and errors, so can be the case with an innovation. Not every attempt to make an invention is successful. Not every innovation sees the light of the day. Benjamin Franklin had the belief that success doesn‘t come without challenge, mistake, and in a few cases failure. One of the world‘s most famous innovators, Steve Jobs says, ―Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.
Thus, inventors and innovators have to be intrepid enough to take risks; consider failures as stepping stones and not stumbling blocks.
Some inventions are the result of a keen observation or a simple discovery. The inventor of Velcro, also called the zipless zipper, is the Swiss engineer George de Mestral. He was hiking in the woods when he found burrs clinging to his clothes and his dog‘s fur. Back at home, he studied the burrs. He discovered that each burr was a collection of tiny hooks which made it cling on to another object. A few years later, he made and patented the strips of fabric that came to us as Velcro.
The world of inventions and innovations is a competitive one. But the race does not end here; it is also prevalent in the case of getting intellectual property rights. There have been inventors who failed to get a single patent while there have been some who managed to amass numerous patents in their lifetime. Thomas Edison had 1,093 patents to his credit! We relate the telephone with Alexander Graham Bell. It is believed that around the same time, Antonio Meucci had also designed the telephone, but due to lack of resources and various hardships, he could not proceed with the patent of his invention. It is also believed that Elisha Gray had made a design for the telephone and applied for the patent at the U.S. patent office on the same day as Graham Bell did. By sheer chance, Graham‘s lawyer‘s turn to file the papers came first. Hence, Graham was granted the first patent for the telephone. It is not easy, and at times almost impossible, for an inventor to be an innovator too. There are very few like Thomas Edison who graduated from being an incredible inventor to a successful manufacturer and businessman with brilliant marketing skills.

While innovations that have helped to enhance the quality of life are laudable, equally laudable are the inventions that laid the foundation of these very innovations.

(Source-;; Medium. Com)


Through the wide scope of invention and innovations how many patents did Thomas Edison have?
A) 1093
B) 550
C) 780
D) 1000

Ans- A

Who was granted first patent for telephone?

A) Newton
B) Clarke
C) Robert Clive
D) Graham

Ans- D

Who invented the zipless zipper?

A) Swiss Engineer
B) Indian engineer
C) UK lawyer
D) France Doctor

Ans- A

Who is an inventor?

A) genius
B) dumb
C) over smart
D) none


Give example of inventions from the passage

A) Sony
B) PlayStation
C) iPhone
D) both b and c

Ans- C

Synonym for the word patent

A) written document
B) complex
C) rhetorical
D) none

Ans- A

Give the appropriate meaning for the word intrepid

A) happiness
B) fearless
C) daunting
D) none

Ans- B

Arrange the following sentences in order
I) It is also believed that Elisha Gray Had made a design for the telephone and applied for the patent at the US patent office on the same day as Graham Bell did
II)Sometimes when you innovate you make mistake.
III)But innovation centre help to enhance the quality of life are laudable equally laudable are the innovations that laid the foundation of these very innovation.
IV)Inventions and innovations are also prevalent in the case of getting intellectual property rights.


Ans- B

Laudable antonym

A) appraise
B) shameful
C) A and B
D) None


Inventions and innovations go through countless.

A) trials and errors
B) praises and approval
C) rejection
D) None

Ans- A

Pallavi Beura
Pallavi Beura from Sinhgad Law College 4th year BALLB student. I am an enthusiastic person who likes to learn new things and never let goes of any opportunity to participate in the competition