What to do if PAN card is lost?

What to do if PAN card is lost?

Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a unique number assigned to the tax payers for their identification by the Income Tax Department. Primarily it is usedfor payment of taxes. It contains important information about the tax payer like name, address, date of birth, etc. A single person cannot have two PAN because information recorded will be shared on its server all over country.

But what to do if PAN card is lost? Answer is very simple. You can apply for the duplicate print of PAN card. In this article we will discuss how to apply for the duplicated PAN card. we will also discuss the procedures involved in obtaining a duplicate PAN Card through offline and online modes.

Why PAN card is important?

The Income Tax Department issues PAN card to monitor the money transactions and to prevent tax leaks. Primary use of a PAN card is checking the payment of taxes and filing for Income Tax return. Also it is used as an identity proof as it is accepted and authorised by the Government of India.

It is one of the important documents to open a bank account. It is also required if you want to buy or sell any immovable property worth more than Rs. 5 Lakhs or for bank transaction more than Rs. 50,000 or to sell and purchase a motor vehicle, etc. In short it is required in all situations involving a money transaction to block the tax leakage.

How to apply for the duplicate PAN card offline?

  1. First you have to file a FIR for the lost PAN Card in the near police station. It will prevent you from facing subsequent problems like misuse of PAN Card, identity theft etc.
  2. Then you have to visit the nearest PAN or NSDL TIN (National Securities Depository Limited Taxpayer Identification Number) centre. Ask for the form 49A. Submit the form with a letter addressing to the Income Tax Department for the PAN card.
  3. Fill the form carefully. Attach passport size photograph, identity proof, address proof, and the copy of FIR. Sign on the photograph and form. Submit the application.
  4. Pay the charges and fees.

How to apply for the duplicate PAN card online?

  1. Go to the official website of TIN-NSDL and search in the section on online application for PAN.
  2. Then choose the option “Reprint of PAN card”. You can choose this option only if your PAN card is stolen, lost or misplaced.
  3. When you click on the link, it will direct you to another page, where you will find the option “Online Application for changes/correction in PAN data” click on this option.
  4. A guideline page will open. Read the guidelines and click on the next button. Choose the type of PAN lost.
  5. Now you are required to fill up an application form for a lost pan card, fill all details which are asked in the form like lost pan number, name, address, mobile number, email address, etc. Documents like photographs and ID proof need to be submitted along with the lost PAN card application form, with an applicant expected to sign it before submission.
  6. Submit the application form either through online or post to NSDL along with all necessary documents.
  7. Payment of Rs 107 (if the provided address is within the country) or Rs 989 (if the provided address is outside India) should be made, either though credit / debit card, net banking or demand draft.
  8. After the payment you will get a number which can be used for future processes.
  9. A duplicate PAN with the same pan card number will be delivered to the address in about two weeks.


PAN card is an important document for payment of taxes and for financial transaction. A person can not apply for the PAN card twice but there is no to need panic if it is lost, misplaced or stolen by someone. You can simply apply for the duplicate print of your PAN.

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