Angliae jura in omni casu libertati dant favorem

Angliae jura in omni casu libertati dant favorem

Literal Meaning

The laws of England are favorable in every case to liberty.

Explanation & Origin

Latin for English Law (or the laws of England) are favorable in every case to liberty.

The law favours liberty and the freedom of a man from imprisonment and therefore kind interpretation shall be made in its behalf.

It is said that the law of England is favourable to liberty.


A was unjustly detained in custody , the writ of habeas corpush is a remedy given by common law , to procure their liberty.

Case Reference

Gillan v. United Kingdom

In this case the court’s decision has limited the extremely wide power of the State to interfere in the individual’s liberty and increased the scope of individual civil liberty and freedom.

Edited by Vigneshwar Ramasubramania

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje

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