Crime against women in society

Crime against women in India i

Crime against women in India is one of the oldest customs which is still running and it has now become a bane of India’s development efforts. Sex is a taboo in India, Sati, Dowry, and the overall lower status of women further exacerbates these crimes. Crime against women is increasing day by day as reported by the National Crime Records bureau. The United Nations General Assembly (1993) defined the term violence against women as any act of gender violence that results in physical, sexual or psychological harm to women. In 1993 also, the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna recognized for the first time ‘gender violence’ as a violation of human rights. The World Health Organization has stated that violence against women is a ‘public health problem of epidemic proportions’.

Women have always been taken as a commodity right from History if we talk about earlier period crimes against women. Women were burnt alive with the dead body of their husband in the Name of Sati, they were not allowed to get educated and are meant to get married only, widow remarriage was banned. It was always held that women are nothing without men. They are always suppressed by the men as India is also known as the Male-dominated country.

Domestic violence against women is the top gender-related crime, while there has been a marginal increase in rapes as well as overall crime in the country, according to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) for 2018. The famous cases related to crimes against women in India are The Nirbhaya Rape case, The Laxmi acid attack case, Dr. Priyanka rape case, rape cases against minor girls in Kathua and Unnao. Since we don’t have many strict laws in India against the cases of rape that’s why these heinous crimes are increasing rapidly. Most of the rape cases are not even registered to the police. Acid attack is one of the major cases against women. There are a number of women going through this phase just because of other personal grudges.

Domestic violence is one of them, it is always shown right from the history that women are meant to be suppressed by the men and till now this is going. Female infanticide is happening. Surprisingly, this is not only done in some rural areas only but even the educated people are doing this and it is practiced in almost all the parts of the world. Dowry deaths are a deep‐rooted form of violence against women in India. The phenomenon of dowry deaths in India is complex and multifaceted, and identifying potential risk factors could help to understand and combat this form of violence against women. However, it is unclear which socio‐economic indicators or some other covariates may be associated with dowry deaths.

Uttar Pradesh has been ranked as the worst state for women’s security and Madhya Pradesh as the state where rape is most rampant. Rape has now become one of the most happened cases. Every girl is being molested once in a life or more than that also.

In order to come out of all these situations, it is very necessary to educate both men and women. Women need to be more conscious about their rights and they must be educated to tackle all the situations. They must be given some physical training in order to be safe. The government should make some strict and rigorous laws for these kinds of crimes.

“The views of the authors are personal

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most committed crime against women?

There are a lot of crimes committed against women not only in India but worldwide. Some of the most notable crimes are Rape, Domestic Violence, Marital Rape, Acid Attack, Trafficking, etc.

Which state in India is most deprived of women’s security?

Uttar Pradesh has been ranked as the worst state for women’s security and Madhya Pradesh as the state where rape is most rampant.

Which state is known to be the safest state for women in India?


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