Mohammed Siddique vs. National Insurance company Ltd

Mohammed Siddique vs. National Insurance company Ltd


In the Supreme Court of India
(Civil Appellate Jurisdiction)
Civil Appeal No. 79 of 2020

Mohammed Siddique& Anr.
National Insurance Company Ltd& Ors.
Date of Judgement
8th January, 2020

N.V. Ramana, V. Ramasubramanian


In the present case Hon’ble Supreme Court has discussed the concept of contributory negligence. The Supreme Court has also discussed the use of Multiplier in cases of compensation. It affirmed that the age of victim should be considered for the purpose of calculating compensation and selecting the Multiplier.


  • A 23 year old son of appellant, died on 7th September, 2008, due to injuries caused in a road accident that took place on 5th September, 2008.
  • He was riding on a motor cycle and was one of the two pillion riders.
  • A car hit the motor cyclefrom behind.
  • ‘Motor Accident Claims Tribunal’ found that the rash and negligent driving of carby the car driver caused the accident.

Procedural History

Decision of tribunal

The Tribunal awarded compensation of Rs. 11,66,800 payable to appellant, comprising followingsums for different causes.






Loss of dependency

Monthly salary as Rs. 9600. Multiplier of 18 and 50% deduction of salary towards personal expenses

Rs. 10,36,800/-


Loss of love and affection


Rs. 1,00,000/-


Performance of last rites


Rs. 20,000/-


Loss of Estate


Rs. 10,000/-

 Decision of High Court

The High Court on appeal of Insurance Companyon point of contributory negligence and income of victim reduced the compensation to Rs. 4,14,000/-,comprising following causes.






Loss of dependancy

Monthly salary as Rs. 3,683. Multiplier of 14. 50% deduction of salary towards personal expenses

Rs. 3,10,000/-


Loss of love and affection


Rs. 1,00,000/-


Performance of last rites


Rs. 25,000/-


Loss of Estate


Rs. 25,000/-


Deduction of 10%


Rs. 46,000/-


  • Whether victim is guilty of contributory negligence?
  • Salary of deceased
  • Multiplier to be applied

Ratio Decidendi

a. The Supreme Court noted that that the accident occurred at 2:00 am. There was no possibility of heavy traffic. A car hit the motor cycle from behind which clearly indicates rash and negligent driving of the car. The deceased was wearing helmet. The High Court held that two persons on the pillion which is meant for only one person would have definitely added to the imbalance and therefore victim is guilty of contributory negligence.

The Supreme Courtstated that it is a flawed reason to make victim guilty of contributory negligence. At most victim can be held liable for violation of S. 128 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 which restricts number of pillion rider to one for two-wheeler. But such violation by itself cannot lead to contributory negligence. There should be causal connection between the act and its impact on the injuries caused to victim, or violation and contribution to accident. The principle of contributory negligence could be involved only when the ‘no violation of law’could have caused injuries of lesser degree, or could have averted accident. The Hon’ble Supreme Court observed that it is not the case of insurer where the accident would have been averted if three persons were not riding on the motor cycle, or the violation itself caused the accident or contributed to the accident.

Therefore the Court held that the victim cannot be held guilty of contributory negligence because of the absence of any evidence to show that riding three persons on motor cycle contributed to accident or to nature of injuries sustained. Hence reduction of 10% considering contributory negligence is unjustifiable. The Apex Court held that the finding of High Court is presumptuous.

b. The Supreme Court noted that the High Court reversed the decision of tribunal on the ground of substantial evidence to show nature of employment and monthly income like salary vouchers, tax returns etc.

The Court pointed that the Tribunal specifically recorded finding that there exists no reason to discard testimony of employer.And High Court should have appreciated that the court of first instance are in better positionto appreciate oral testimony. The court observed that the testimony of employer was unshaken during the trial, no allegation was made that he was set for the case, therewasno contradiction in his testimony, and it was supported bysalary certificate. And thereforethe High Court should not have discarded the testimony of employer.

c. The Apex Court observed that the High Court had applied the multiplier of 14 relying on UPSRTC Vs. Trilok Chandra,1994(3 member bench) which approved the decision of General Manager, Kerla SRTC Vs. Susamma Thomas,1993. As observed by the Supreme Court, in these cases,the question of choice betweenthe age of claimant and age of the deceased, for multiplier, never arose directly for consideration.

The Supreme Court referred to Sarala Verma & Ors. Vs. Delhi Transport Corporation & Anr. which recommended a multiplier table, arrived at juxtaposing Charlie, Trilok Chandra, and Susamma Thomas with multiplier mentioned in Second Schedule.It was approved by Hon’ble Court in Reshma Kumari & Ors. V. Madan Mohan &Anr. And Munna Lal Jain V. Vipul Kumar Sharma. The Munna Lal Jain Judgement approved use of the multiplier with reference to the age of the deceased. Being largerbench it is binding on the present bench. On this ground Supreme Court held that the Multiplier of 18 should be applied instead of 14. 


The Hon’ble Supreme Court observed that the High Court has committed serious error and set in holding victim guilty of contributory negligence, rejecting evidence submitted by emoloyer, applying multiplier of 14 instead of 18, and therefore set aside the order of High Court and restore the award of the Tribunal.


This Judgement affirmed the use of Multiplier table formulated in Munna Lal Jain case. It discussed at length the concept of contributory negligence.

Edited by Sree Ramya

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje 

Swapnil Ahir
Hello , I am student of ILS Law College, Pune currently pursuing BALLB. Here I have worked on various Landmark Judgements discussing variety of laws under set of circumstances. The readers will be able to understand in easy and precise manner the rationale behind the judgement, grey areas of the Judgement(if any) , ratio decidendi and valuable orbiter dictum rendered by Hon'ble Judges. I hope my work will help you in better understanding of judgement and gives you an overview of it. I am thankful to the Law Times Journal for giving me opportunity to hone my research and drafting skills ,and giving me access to wide range of readers from Legal Professionals to students and enthusiasts.