Nullus commodum capere potest ex sua injuria propria

Nullus commodum capere potest ex sua injuria propria

Literal Meaning

No one can derive an advantage from his own wrong.


This is an old maxim which has been used in modern times. This maxim is being used by many jurists and interpreted by many cases and precedents.


The maxim nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria — meaning no man can take advantage of his own wrong — squarely stands in the way of avoidance by the law, the maxim nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria squarely applies to the case and he having done the wrong, cannot take advantage of his own wrong.

Case Referred

Devendra kumar vs state of Uttaranchal Pradesh

Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria” (No man can take advantage of his own wrong) is very much applicable in the facts and circumstances of the present cas…behalf, the maxim nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria – meaning no man can take advantage of his own wrong.

Edited by Vigneshwar Ramasubramania

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje

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