The Biological Diversity Act, 2002

Biological Diversity Act

In the event that it is more than Biodiversity is of more prominent significance. We individual rely upon biodiversity for nourishment and water and sanctuary too. It is the base of our endurance. India is skilled by the enormous biodiversity. India possesses a considerable measure of nature when contrasted with different nations. In any case, India has not been that powerful or dynamic to authorize law managing normal living space and biodiversity until 2002, when the natural decent variety act was instituted in understanding and changes to the Convention of Biological Diversity, 1992. Elements like over exploitation, contamination and degradation, with the assistance of common reason represent a danger to biodiversity. In spite of the fact that the Biological Diversity Act attempts to manage these issues, there are still provisos and minor issues like insufficient access to neighborhood networks, exclusion of assets and access advantage sharing. 

Biodiversity in amateur word involves different life shapes in his environment. The biodiversity incorporates every single life structure in it, from single cell life to profoundly complex life forms. It is the premise of biological system, we rely exceptionally upon biodiversity for nourishment, water, shield and even medications, and so on. 

Biodiversity is dynamic, intricate and fluctuated. It is contained infinite quantities of plants, creatures, organisms, climate (air), geosphere (land) and hydrosphere (water) . 

Presence of Biodiversity in India 

As per the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, the all out number of species on Earth extends from five to 30 million, and just 1.7–2 million species has been officially distinguished. India is one of the 12-mega differing nations of the world. With just 2.5% of the world land zone, India has 7.8% of worldwide recorded species. India has 4 out of 34 worldwide biodiversity hotspots in the Eastern Himalayas, in the Indo-Burma area. It further contains 45,968 types of plants 91,364 types of creatures and more than 5,650 microbial species. 

India contains an extraordinary abundance of natural decent variety in its woodlands, its wetlands and its marine zones. This wealth is appeared in supreme quantities of species and the extent they speak to of the world aggregate. 

Group       Number of species(SI)       Number of species(SW)          SI/SW (%) 

Mammals            350                                         4,629                            7.6 

Birds                  122                                         49,702                          12.6 

Reptiles               408                                        6,550                             6.2 

Amphibians         197                                        4,522                            4.4 

Fishes                  2546                                    21,730                           11.7 

*These records are according to cited in Biodiversity Profile of India* 

Biodiversity Management is a need. We require an appropriate administration for human prosperity and being admirably of other life structures. Because of our way of life we wreck biodiversity everywhere. In view of changing biodiversity we influence other life structures at rate never observed. 

Need of Biodiversity 

The biodiversity shapes a fundamental piece of life for every single living animal in biological system. It is broadly evaluated that in excess of 70,000 plant species are utilized in conventional and present day prescriptions. Besides, nourishment and vitality are gotten from the environmental factors we live in. Lost biodiversity would cause loss of crude materials as well as imply that loss of repercussions for worldwide nourishment security and sustenance. Biodiversity misfortune would not just have negative ramifications on the lives of the people yet additionally on the lives of different species in the biological system; prompting the unevenness in the environment and making it hard for all the creatures to flourish and receive in their regular habitat. 

Dangers to Biodiversity 

The genuine dangers to biological system is advancement. There are for the most part two kinds of dangers to biodiversity – a) Man-made b) Natural 

Biodiversity incorporates man-made pulverization of the environment and the common causes which makes harm the biodiversity. 

Coming up next are the significant purposes behind biodiversity misfortune: 

a) Habitat misfortune and corruption: 

One of the significant dangers to the biodiversity is the natural surroundings misfortune caused because of human improvement in the delicate organic regions. Natural surroundings misfortune influences compromised winged creatures, warm blooded creature’s , creatures of land and water. 

b) Overexploitation of characteristic assets. 

c) Pollution can be viewed as another factor. 

d) Climate change influencing changes in the biodiversity. 

Purposes behind order of the Biodiversity Act 

Biodiversity Act, 2002 appeared a lot later than the other existing laws on condition, for example, the Indian Forest Act, 1927, Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 , Environment Protection Act, 1986 and so on . Despite the fact that every one of these enactments laid impulse on the protection of nature, yet none of them appropriately tended to all the components of the biological and biodiversity conservation. After these demonstrations India chose to make a stride ahead and execute new laws to spare the biodiversity. Moreover, India additionally turned into a signatory to different other biological also ecological laws, for example, the Ramsar Conservation on Wetlands, 1971, Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972, Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora, 1973, Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitat, 1979, World Conservation Strategy, 1980, The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 . 

Every one of these shows that were acquired activity was to take into account the necessities of the assurance to the natural life and the earth. In any case, it was The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity just because made a complete arrangement for the security of biodiversity. During 1990s, there was a variance in the financial structure from shut economy to open economy. In this way, there were no laws to ensure bio-theft by the created country on the Indian soil. Thus, a solid enactment was required to shorten the overexploitation and theft of the indigenous assets. 

During the time of 2000-2002, a common society bunch was authorized for living up the India’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. This arrangement was not acknowledged by the administration. Hence, the administration chose to discharge its own draft on National Biodiversity Plan which was made by the technocrats. The Act of 2002, in view of this arrangement was passed by the Lok Sabha on second December, 2002 and Rajya Sabha on eleventh December, 2002.The destinations of the Act were – 

a) Conservation of Biological assorted variety 

b) Sustainable utilization of its parts 

c) Fair and impartial sharing of the advantages emerging out of use of hereditary assets.

Explanations behind institution of the Biodiversity Act 

Biodiversity Act, 2002 appeared a lot later than the other existing laws on condition, for example, the Indian Forest Act, 1927, Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 , Environment Protection Act, 1986 and so forth . Despite the fact that every one of these enactments laid driving force on the protection of nature, yet none of them appropriately tended to all the elements of the environmental and biodiversity conservation. After these demonstrations India chose to make a stride ahead and actualize new laws to spare the biodiversity. Moreover, India likewise turned into a signatory to different other biological also ecological laws, for example, the Ramsar Conservation on Wetlands, 1971, Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972, Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora, 1973 , Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitat, 1979 , World Conservation Strategy, 1980 , The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 . 

During 1990s, there was a variance in the financial structure from shut economy to open economy. In this way, there were no laws to ensure bio-theft by the created country on the Indian soil. Henceforth, a solid enactment was required to shorten the overexploitation and robbery of the indigenous assets. 

During the time of 2000-2002, a common society bunch was dispatched for living up the India’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. This arrangement was not acknowledged by the legislature. Subsequently, the administration chose to discharge its own draft on National Biodiversity Plan which was made by the technocrats. The Act of 2002, in view of this arrangement was passed by the Lok Sabha on second December, 2002 and Rajya Sabha on eleventh December, 2002.The goals of the Act were – 

a) Conservation of Biological assorted variety 

b) Sustainable utilization of its parts 

c) Fair and impartial sharing of the advantages emerging out of use of hereditary assets. 

Aside from these principle destinations the Act has additionally offered capacity to a portion of the terms of CBD by the accompanying arrangements: 

The Biodiversity Act offers capacity to set up National Biodiversity Authority (NBA), State Biodiversity Board(SBB) and Biodiversity Management Committees(BMC’s). 

To regard and secure information on nearby networks customary information identified with biodiversity. The advanced arrangements are compelling as well as the conventional techniques are successful and have dependable impacts. 

This demonstration assists with saving and create zones of significance from the point of view of natural assorted variety by proclaiming them organic decent variety legacy locales. 

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and the Biological Diversity Rules of 2004 are executed by NBA (National Biodiversity Authority) at the national level, SBB (State Biological Board) at state level and BMA’s (Biodiversity Management Committees) at neighborhood levels. A portion of the significant elements of these specialists are – 

a) To control exercises 

b) support and counsel the Government of India on issues identifying with the preservation of biodiversity 

c) feasible utilization of its parts and impartial sharing of advantages. 

d) To give endorsement under Sections 3,4 and 6 of Biodiversity Act of 2002 

e) To inform territories of biodiversity significance as biodiversity legacy locales under this demonstration 

f) to perform different capacities as might be important to complete the arrangements of the Act. 

g) To take measures to secure biodiversity of the nation just as to restrict the award of licensed innovation rights to any nation outside or any natural assets acquired from India. 

For instance – The NBA manages the solicitations for access to the organic assets likewise as move of information of legend to remote nationals, foundations and partnerships. 

By adhering to the strategy and rules under Biodiversity Act the egregious wrongdoing of theft of IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights) in and all over India is forestalled, it likewise shields the indigenous individuals from abuse. 

The ongoing advancements concerning NBA usage incorporate the foundation of assigned National Repository (DNR) under Section 39 as a pivotal part of framework for biodiversity protection. This DNR offers support suppliers for saved example comprising all faun (creatures), herbarium (dried material for look into), living cells, genomes of life forms and information concerning genetic and capacity of natural framework. 

India has made a legitimate arrangement and structure in regards to biodiversity which permits us to investigate some significant issues concerning assurance of biodiversity. The current approach is shallow, since some significant concerns are yet to be tended to. The best way to conquer such a circumstance is by making changes in the enactment. And furthermore it will be useful for condition if individuals themselves self volunteer. 

It is likewise important to incorporate all living things including people into more extensive meaning of natural resources for forestall any type of abuse. The common society association ought to likewise anticipate spread mindfulness among individuals with respect to the stars of Biodiversity Act and how it is critical to our everyday life. Since change can’t be accomplished through segregated endeavors, it is critical to fabricate formal and casual systems among ranchers, common society association, grass root partners, logical and scholarly establishments and government workplaces. This would prompt better preservation and insurance of condition.

“The views of the authors are personal

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need this legislation on biodiversity?

The main objectives of the Act are conservation, sustainable use and benefit of sharing of the utilization of bio-resources and use them wisely. The Act also covers the protection of traditional knowledge and modern solutions and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of such knowledge.

What is the legal status of NBA, SBBs and BMCs?

All of these institutions are statutory, autonomous bodies established under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002.

What is implied by value added product?

Value added product implies products containing portions/extracts of plants and animals in unrecognizable and physically inseparable form.

Does the legislation provide for protection of Traditional Knowledge?

The Act covers the traditional knowledge in the preamble itself.

Who are the benefit claimers?

The benefit claimers are conservers of biological resources, creators and holders of knowledge and information relating to the uses of biological resources.

Ameyprasad Atigre
Ameyprasad Atigre, currently pursuing 1st Year Law Course [B.A.LL.B (Hons.)] from Government Law College, Mumbai (Maharashtra). The areas of interest for him are Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Labour Law, Human Rights Law, Intellectual Property Law, Cyber Law. He is looking forward to creating a breakthrough career in law, he takes acute care in developing his research skills as well as dealing with National and International Moot Court Competitions and International Law Committee. He has worked with Adv. Pandit Atigre in Dist. Court of Kolhapur. He has a keen interest in writing his own Blogs, Legislative Comments, Short Articles, Newsletter articles, Articles for Journals.