Via antiqua via est tuta

Via antiqua via est tuta

Literal Meaning

The old way is the safe way.

Explanation & Origin

It means that the old way is the safe way.

The safe road or path is the one which has been used in the past.

This notion of reverence for antiquity and mistrust of “the new” was a fundamental aspect of Roman culture. This is made quite clear by the Latin word novus, which means “new” but also “strange, weird, unusual.”

It’s also worth pondering the Latin word antiquus and its etymology in Latin. The root of this word is ant- meaning “before, in front of.” There is a similar Latin adjective, anticus, which means “front, in the front” (so the front door of your house would be the ianua antica).


New York is the firstState to make a great departure from the old law in its new code , to swing out of line of Common Law , in which all have hitherto remained , from earliest colonial era , two hundred years ago. Whether others will follow her example , or she be brought to acknowledge that via antiqua via est tuta , and return to old way.

Case Reference

Green V. Winter [477 U.S. at 257]

In this case only it was considered as a settled rule in the English chancery , that no allowance is admissible unless it is rested upon contract , or was given by the will. The rule there must be the rule here ; via antiqua via est tuta it would , no doubt , be at times , very convenient and perhaps a cover for ignorance or indolence or prejudice to disregard all English decisions as of no authority and to set up as a standard my own notions of right and wrong

Manning v Manning [(NY) 1 Johns Ch 527]

In this case the maxim Via antiqua via est tuta :The old way is the safe way was applied. “I consider myself bound by those principles, which were known and established as lawin courts of equity in England, at the time of the institution of this court.”

Edited by Vigneshwar Ramasubramania

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje

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