Vice versa

Vice versa

Literal Meaning

The other way around.

Explanation & Origin

Vice versa is a Latin phrase that means “the other way around”

Historically and in British English, “vice” is pronounced as two syllables, but in American English the singular syllable pronunciation is almost universal. Classical Latin pronunciation dictates that the letter “c” is only a hard sound, like “k”, thus vee-‘keh vehr-sah. Moreover, it also dictates that the letter “v”, when consonantal, represents /w/; i. e. in classical times, the “v” was pronounced like the modern “w”; hence wee-keh wehr-sah.

Vice versa is used to indicate that the reverse of what you have said is true.


Senate Republicans are in no mood to pass bills that Democrats could support on healthcare, immigration or education, and vice versa.

Case Reference

Seth Ramdayal Jat vs Laxmi Prasad [AIR 2009 SC 2463]

In this case it was mentioned that indisputably, the law relating to the admissibility of a judgment in a criminal proceedings vis-`-vis the civil proceedings and vice-versa is governed by the provisions of the Indian Evidence Act.

Edited by Vigneshwar Ramasubramania

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje

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