Visitationem commendamus

Visitationem commendamus

Literal Meaning

We recommend a visitation.

Explanation & Origin

Latin : we recommend a visitation.

No particular form of words is necessary for the appointment of a visitor.

Visitationem commendamus will create general visitor , and confer all the authority incidental to the office , which will require particular words to abridge it.

New ingrafted fellowships , if no statues are given by the founders of them , must follow the original foundation , and are subject to the same discipline and judicature.

It is the duty of visitor in every instance , to effectuate the intention of the founder as far as he can collect it from the statutes and the nature of the institution ; and in the exercise of this jurisdiction he is free from all control.

Lord Mansfield has declared , that the visitorial power , if properly exercised without expense or delay , is useful and convenient to colleges ; and it is now settled and established that the jurisdiction of visitor is summary and without appeal from it.


If A is a visitor with general powers which is restrained and qualified who may be directed by statue to do particulars acts , in which instance he has no discretion as a visitor.

Case Reference

The Attorney General V. The Governor of foundling hospital [2 ves. jun. 42]

In this case it was held that where there is a local visitor as to conduct and management of a charity , if in the original instrument a trust is expressed as to the application of the revenue , this court has jurisdiction to compel a due application.

Edited by Vigneshwar Ramasubramania

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje

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