Allahabad High Court : Woman has life threat from her Family

Life of Deceased Not Cheap Which Could Be Negotiated Between 2 Individuals": Allahabad HC

In Allahabad High Court, the Petition was heard by Justice J.J. Munir who has directed SSP Bulandshahar to produce Mr. Mukesh Kumar’s Daughter. She is a life-threat to her family.

The Court directed that the Petitioner should be freed from the illegal detention of his brothers and kept in Nari Niketan with full security and should be presented tomorrow before the Court.

The petitioner Nishi is a daughter of Mukesh Kumar, a History-Sheeter from Bulandshaharon which there is more than 22 prosecutions on her and now she is behind the bars. She has married to Saurabh Gupta for which her two brothers were against this marriage. After marriage, the petitioner and her husband has filed a First Habeaus Corpus petition for protection before the High Court. On which the court ordered that the Petitioner to be freed from his brothers and kept in Nari Niketan and produced in the Court. Following which, thePolice placed Petitioner in Nari Niketan of Bulandshahar. 

But, the Petitioner’s brothers have threatened her and kidnapped her father-in-law with an intention to kill him if she said anything against the family in the High Court. Upon Hearing, the Petitioner told the High Court that she wanted to go with her parents with fear of threat. Therefore, the Court handed her over to her brothers.

Again, the petitioner and her husband Saurabh have filed a second Habeas Corpus Petition alleging that her life is in danger and her father who is in jail has instructed her brothers to kill her in respect to her family honour.

Hearing all the circumstances, the Court has ordered SSP Bulandshahar to freed from her brothers and should kept in Nari Niketan with full security. And also directed that It is the responsibility of the Police and administration that her brother will not threaten her again.

T. Madiha
I am T. Madiha, a final year student of BA.LL.B from Osmania University, Hyderabad. I'm spontaneous, attentive, and a good observer. I always would like to express my prior concern in research & writing skills as it enhance me to grow for the future endeavours in the legal field. I strongly believe in Theodore Roosevelt quote by focusing on my actions rather than words as he once said - "Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are". I have sole interests on various spheres of law and wants to change the societal issues for better world. I love to live in a dynamic environment where people help others to develop their skills, my suggestions have actively been taken up in the same.