Appeal filed by RTI applicant dismissed by Central Information Commission

Central Information Commission Advises Home Ministry To Maintain Consolidated Database Regarding Identified Legal/Illegal Migrants

The RTI was filed at the Apex Court by Anupam Saraph seeking the below mentioned information related to the individual prayers of each of the petitioners filed in the case of Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and another vs. Union of India and Others:

“1. A copy of the prayers before the court in each of the petitions heard together

 2. The decisions taken by the court on each of the prayers

3. The parties who have been directed to take action(s) based on the decision of the court.

4. The recourse available to address any prayers that remains unanswered”.

The appellant had contended that if information regarding the same was available on the website, he would not have filed the RTI application.  The Commission observed that necessary information was made available to the appellant and moreover the Supreme Court website has the all other relevant information, the decision on individual prayer cannot be provided and finally regarding the query 4, the response to which requires legal opinion and is outside the scope of work of PIO.

The Commission then added:

“Perusal of records establishes the fact that the Respondent has disclosed all relevant information, available on record, in terms of Section 2(f) of the RTI Act, 2005. The Commission finds no malafide or infirmity is found in the responses of the public authority”.

Anusha Richa Mishra
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall" I am Anusha Richa Mishra and I believe that justice is for everyone and the correct approach towards it is to spread awareness, to awaken, uplift and enable each and every individual so that they get what look wish for. I am a Graduate in Economics and am currently pursuing my degree of LLB from BVDU’s New Law College, Pune. I aspire to contribute to the society through my efforts and approach towards a just environment where we co-exist, follow the law and worship the Constitution.