Bihar’s Ex- CM Lalu Prasad Yadav was sentenced to 15 years of rigorous imprisonment by CBI special Judge Shivpal Singh in the Dumka treasury embezzlement case of fodder scam.
On this Prasad submitted his bail application in Jharkhand HC where CBI in its written opposition said that he hasn’t served even a single day sentence in connection with it. On this Lalu Prasad’s lawyers alleged that he has completed half of his sentence in judicial custody in the case. The opposition also said that Lalu Prasad will be able to move out of jail is he gets bail in this case as he already secured in other three out of 4 fodder scam cases.
CBI also said that the special CBI Court has not mentioned anywhere in its order that the sentence given to Prasad in the Dumka case will run concurrently or one after the other, with the sentences given to him in other cases of fodder scam & the punishment under section 427 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. They added that if the court doesn’t mention it then the sentence of the accused are carried one after the other. Also, Prasad didn’t make any request to CBI Court to carry out his sentences concurrently.
Advocate Kapil Sibal appearing for Lalu Prasad, while arguing for his bail told the court that Lalu was suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver & various other disease & and because of these reasons he has not been kept in Birsa Munda Central jail but admitted in RIMS.So he requested the court to grant him bail as he has served half of his sentence and is also seriously ill.