Centre to Apex Court: Homeopathic practitioners can only provide Coronavirus treatment, not as a cure but prevention only

Centre to Apex Court: Homeopathic practitioners can only provide Coronavirus treatment not as cure but prevention only

The Supreme Court has been informed by the Central Government that those practicing in Homeopathy can only provide treatment for Covid-19 for prevention purposes and not as its cure.

Previously, the Kerala High Court had passed an order stating that except those specifically allowed and mentioned by the Centre; AYUSH Doctors cannot provide COVID-19 treatment as a cure. Further, the Court stated that Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Naturopathy practices can be used to bring down the risk of Coronavirus and boost the immunity. Against the said order, the Dr. AKB Sadbhavana Mission School of Homeo Pharmacy had filed an appeal at the top court.

In response to the same, the AYUSH Ministry had filed an affidavit.

It was submitted:

“The said advisory Ministry of AYUSH had clearly provided that administration of the aforesaid medicine was to be done only as a preventive measure and the same should not be claimed as a treatment advice for the Corona virus infection”.


“The Ministry of AYUSH craves leave of this Hon’ble court to include such medicines which in the opinion of the Ministry can be used

  • for preventive and prophylactic use;
  • (ii) for symptom management of COVID- 19 like illnesses; and (iii) for add on Interventions to the conventional care, as and when the benefits of such interventions are proved through proper channel of research and accepted by the present Ministry”
Anusha Richa Mishra
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall" I am Anusha Richa Mishra and I believe that justice is for everyone and the correct approach towards it is to spread awareness, to awaken, uplift and enable each and every individual so that they get what look wish for. I am a Graduate in Economics and am currently pursuing my degree of LLB from BVDU’s New Law College, Pune. I aspire to contribute to the society through my efforts and approach towards a just environment where we co-exist, follow the law and worship the Constitution.