CIC declined the petitioner’s permission for next hearing : Aarogya Setu RTI

Plea on denial of information on Aarogya Setu creation: Delhi HC asks for Centre's Response

On 27th October, the Central Information Commission (CIC) had passed a severe remark against the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEITY) and National Informatics Centre (NIC) for failing to answer who had created the Aarogya Setu App, calling it as “Extremely Preposterous”.

The complaint was filed before the CIC by RTI Activist & Independent Journalist Saurav Das on Aarogya Setu. While hearing the case, CIC has declined Das’s permission to attend the next hearing on the matter. And then fixed the next date of hearing on 24th November, after issuing the show-cause notice to the CPIOs of the two public authorities and directing all the CPIOs to be present before the court on the said date. 

However, Das wrote an email to the CIC Vanaja N Sarna’s office about not receiving a next hearing notice which also highlighted the larger public and media interest in the case. In response, the CIC’s office informed him that “his presence is not required as it is a show-cause notice hearing which will be between the Commission & CPIOs concerned only.” 

On the other side, the matter was quickly trending on social media platforms while mocking Aarogya Setu’s invention as an ‘Act of God’. Following which, the Ministry had issue a press notice that the information about the developers of the app was available in public domain.

T. Madiha
I am T. Madiha, a final year student of BA.LL.B from Osmania University, Hyderabad. I'm spontaneous, attentive, and a good observer. I always would like to express my prior concern in research & writing skills as it enhance me to grow for the future endeavours in the legal field. I strongly believe in Theodore Roosevelt quote by focusing on my actions rather than words as he once said - "Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are". I have sole interests on various spheres of law and wants to change the societal issues for better world. I love to live in a dynamic environment where people help others to develop their skills, my suggestions have actively been taken up in the same.