Delhi Court passes Bail Order in poetic Style

Criminal Court not expected to act as recovery agent when exercising Bail Jurisdiction

A session court in Delhi used a poetic style while granting Bail to a person accused of rioting and attempted murder during the Delhi Riots in February 2020. The court said:

“Take your freedom from the cage you are in;

Till the trial is over, the state is reigned in.

The State proclaims; to have the cake and eat it too;

The Court comes calling; before the cake is eaten, bake it too,”

Which an excerpt from the poem written by ASJ Amitabh Rawat. The poem records the facts of the case and gives reasons as to why a case for bail is made.

The accused in the case was being tried for firing gunshot at Rahul who suffered injury but police wasn’t able to find him after that. Accused was tried on basis of statements of an eye-witness i.e. constable Satish.

In the case, ASJ Rawat was of the opinion that the Petitioner here stands on a better footing than Imran who is already on bail, and hence, the application has merits. He expressed his will to pass the order in a different way and wrote the order in a poetic manner. And thus, The Court thus granted bail to the Petitioner, upon the furnishing of personal bond in the sum of Rs. 10,000/- with one local surety. He also restrained him from leaving the jurisdiction of NCT, Delhi without prior permission of the Court. 

Swikritimala Dubey
I am Ms. Swikritimala Dubey and my aim is to help everyone who come across me with all the knowledge I have. I am a law graduate from law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University. I wish to develop a society which has high expectation and achievements in the field of law and create a great place for learning which is of utmost importance for me.  A community of lifelong learners, responsible global citizens and champions of our own sucess is what I believe in.