Four Nirbhaya convicts hanged till death, Tihar Jail executes death warrant

Four Nirbhaya convicts hanged till death, Tihar Jail executes death warrant

Indian believes in judiciary once again as the four men convicted in the Nirbhaya rape case were hanged in Tihar jail today. After the Disha rape case and how the Telangana Police has served justice to the victim, the death penalty is a breakthrough. 

Brief Facts:

There were six people, who were involved in the rape incident of a Delhi woman in an empty moving bus on 16th December 2012. Where one was Ram Singh has committed suicide in the jail as soon as the trial began. And one person was a juvenile and was released in the year 2015. The other four Men (Mukesh Singh, Pawan Gupta, Vinay Sharma, and Akshay Kumar Singh) were involved in the rape case, since the time of conviction they have tried countless legal remedies to escape from the crime. Several pardon requests to the Presidents, appeals in front of lower courts, higher courts and to the Supreme Court of India and recently an attempt to file a case in the International Court of Justice against the Indian Government claiming the four men were being tortured, every one of them were rejected but they were successful to drag the date of execution from 22nd February 2020 to 20th March 2020. 

Key Features:

1. The four men were hanged to death on 20th March 2020 at around 5:30 Am.

2. The death warrant of these accused was stopped thrice, as to appeals filed by the convicts claiming all the legal remedies were not tried, and mercy petition was still in process with the President. 

3. The Trail court issued a fresh death warrant against the convicts. 

4. The Trial Court on 5th March 2020 has issued a final execution order and serving the convicts with a death sentence in the early hours of 20th March 2020.


“Justice delayed is justice denied” is a well-known sentence in the field of Law. Nirbhaya Rape case is one of the most delayed justices ever given. But, it’s better late than never. This decision order passed by the Trial Court will make citizens believe in the course of Judiciary once again. There is an immediate need for advocating the laws relating to heinous crimes and make sure that the trial process is fast enough to serve them justice. India still has over a 150,000 rape case pending, thus explains us to what extent the level of integrity has to grow. Every citizen of this country is proud that justice is served right today. 

Edited by J. Madonna Jephi

Approved & Published – Sakshi Raje

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