Karnataka E-Lokadalat Settles 1,15,925 Cases

Karnataka E-Lokadalat Settles 1,15,925 Cases

A total of 1,15,925 cases were settled in the State of Karnataka following the Mega e-Lok Adalat organized by the Karnataka State Legal Services Authority, Bengaluru and the High Court Legal Services Committee.

More than 1,33,000 cases were identified for the E-Lok Adalat relating to criminal compoundable offences, bank matters, money recovery, MACT cases, Labor disputes, matrimonial disputes, land disputes, revenue matters and other civil matters.

On September 19, from 11 am to 5.30 pm, the e-Lok Adalat was conducted by constituting 875 Benches throughout the State. A total of 15 benches were constituted at the High Court and the remaining 860 benches at 30 District Courts. 925 cases were settled in three High Court Benches including the Principal Bench at Bengaluru and in 30 districts, 1,15,000 cases were settled. Out of them, 7,383 cases were at the pre-litigation stage and 1,07,617 cases were pending cases.

The total amount settled in the Mega e Lok Adalat is Rs 3,57,64,31,758, out of which, a sum of Rs 27,33,38,583 was recovered as fine, penalty and compoundable fee and credited to the account of the State Government.

The remaining amount of Rs 3,30,30,93,175 was paid to victims, complainants, claimants, parties, etc. in MACT cases, NI Act cases, LAC cases and other civil cases.

Ria Nair
“Creative approach coupled with patience, makes understanding intricate issues simpler.” I am Ms. Ria Nair and my aim is to help you perceive a complex idea in a better way and seek your answer/s. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Law [B.B.A. LL. B (Hons.)] from Amity University, Mumbai. Understanding laws that govern human relations in all fields, gaining knowledge about aspects that govern the Universe and keeping an open mind are of primary importance to me as a law student and a human being. I hope to learn with every new opportunity and contribute to make others’ lives simpler.