Mehbooba’s daughter Iltija claims that her mother again put under ‘House Detention’

Mehbooba’s daughter Iltija claims that her mother again put under ‘House Detention’

According to the source, Mehbooba Mufti’s daughter Iltija has claimed that her mother was again put under house detention yesterday. She said, a few days ago, Mehbooba was not allowed to visit the Waheed Para (youth-wing president), arrested by the NIA.

However, there is no official confirmation on house dentition claim. But, Iltija said that the action was taken by local authorities. She further quoted that,

“Is this what you call democracy, where you don’t have any right to exercise your freedom of speech and expression. You are being threatened and intimidated for raising a voice on anything.”

T. Madiha
I am T. Madiha, a final year student of BA.LL.B from Osmania University, Hyderabad. I'm spontaneous, attentive, and a good observer. I always would like to express my prior concern in research & writing skills as it enhance me to grow for the future endeavours in the legal field. I strongly believe in Theodore Roosevelt quote by focusing on my actions rather than words as he once said - "Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are". I have sole interests on various spheres of law and wants to change the societal issues for better world. I love to live in a dynamic environment where people help others to develop their skills, my suggestions have actively been taken up in the same.