The court questioned in case of delay in delivering an order online: CJ Madras HC

The court questioned in case of delay in delivering an order online: CJ Madras HC

When it comes to uploading orders online by the courts, the Chief Justice of Madras High Court, Sanjib Banerjee, has given a right to the parties to hold the court accountable if there is any delay in the process. As per the State counsel, the order uploaded online right on the subsequent day of its filing.

He viewed that the orders could be uploaded online by evening on the very day of passing it. Moreover, he also said that rectification or revision of errors might cause a delay while uploading the order. He stated that such cases would require the order to be uploaded on the following day. 

The oral communication observed towards the wrap of a hearing in a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed against the polluted Amaravati river. The Bench consisting of CJ Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy directed the State to appoint an expert committee to curb the rising pollution of water bodies in Tamil Nadu and undertake the necessary steps to tackle the same. Some of them could be reducing the discharge of industrial waste or relocating these.

Mihir Popat
I am a 2nd-year student of Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University. I stand by the concept of Kobayashi Maru that is winning a non-win situation by rewriting the rules. As a first-generation lawyer, my goal is to make never-ending contributions to the legal fraternity through my knowledge of the Law gained through hard work and perseverance.